The four pictures I chose for this months header may seem random, but really they represent four very unique things: my favorite pictures of all time. Well, at least for today.
First, this picture:
OHS Sweethearts=funnest high school dance memory. Besides the fact that we look 12 years old, he and I are actually 18 and 17, respectively. Naturally, as seniors in high school we had the world by the tail. This date dance was in February of 2000, the same year we fell in love, broke up, graduated, fell back in love, mission call, started college, and on and on. But you could have guessed the year even if I hadn't told you because of 1) my zig-zag hair part, and 2) his Abercrombie graphic tee. Both dead give-aways of our high school days. What you can't see are my Silver Jeans and chunky boots from Bakers (anyone?). This picture embodies everything I loved about being that age, that innocent, and that ambitious.
Second, this picture:
It's me, when little, rockin' a skateboard and sporting a Harley Davidson tee. Mom used to pull my hair back with two yellow butterfly barrettes so that I wouldn't look like a rag-a-muffin. It was a constant battle she would never win between her youngest daughter not complying with the frilly dresses and violin playing she had envisioned. Those barrettes were perhaps the only girly thing I would allow anywhere near my being for the next decade. You'll also notice that I'm holding the skateboard, not riding it. This is key. What you don't see is my older brother daringly flying his skateboard off a homemade ramp head first onto the cement driveway. And I'm just standing there holding my skateboard as if to say go ahead idiot brother, crack your head open, I'll just be a bad-ass from safely over here. It's so me.
Then there is this picture:
Taken recently in October, there is nothing specifically dramatic or compelling about this photo other than it marks a really good day. One of those days I'll never forget for no reason other than it was a Sunday afternoon, beautiful fall weather, I'd just woken up from a nap, we went for a walk in the park, collected leaves, and snapped a picture. Amid months and months of seemingly complicated bad days, the simplicity of a single good day seems to stand out. I love those days and I particularly loved that day.
And lastly, there is this gem:
My little cowboy man in his plaid shirt, jean vest, boots and buckle. But the thing that really gets me about this picture is the buckle: it says "Brad" on it. I'm in love with it, I don't know why. The buckle's whereabouts are unknown, but his mom never threw away anything remotely sentimental so it must exist. My life will not be complete until we find it. I can hardly look at this photo without grinning. Not only because of my buckle fixation, but because of his little boy hair, little boy face, and little boy smile. All of it, including the rattan chair, just melts my heart completely. Plus he is properly sitting upright like such a good little boy. But I'm no fool.