Pillow Talk
Some of our best conversations as a married couple seem to happen in those late night hours laying in bed, attempting to relax into sleep. However, this is also the time when BD's mind is fast at work conjuring up the wildest of ideas at which Wifey, played by me, affectionately puts down so she can get to sleep sooner. This is not effective. Many conversations open a flood gate of political filibuster, religious declamation, and he said/she said gossip. Inevitably, BD will get out of bed to Wiki something that Wifey may or may not be right or wrong about. For example, last night as I was finishing up a chapter in my current book, I came across a word I did not immediately recognize; pugnacious, used to describe a gentleman's facial demeanor. I inquired BD if he knew while reading to him the context of the word. He confidently responded, "it means your face looks like a pug, all squished up, like this" and he proceeded to squish his face up, like that. "No, it doesn't," I quipped back, immediately calling his bluff. BD conceded his defeat and was off to the computer to verify pugnacious with the all-knowing Gods of the Internets.
A few moments later from the other room he bellows as if I'm three stories below "IT MEANS "FEELING OR DISPLAYING EAGERNESS TO FIGHT, SEE BELLIGERENT." Since then Wifey's face has been referred to as pugnacious at least a half dozen times, as well as various body parts of mine that I will not mention here. Most often our Pillow Talk conversations leave one of us, and sometimes both, in a state of inconsolable laughter. And when we finally realize that sleep has been completely taken off the table, we rally in the kitchen; a hot cup of chamomile for her and a heaping plate of nachos for him. I only wish I had started writing this all down sooner, you know, for posterity. And just to clarify, I do realize that we are the only ones who will think any of this is at all funny. I'm still debating how much I actually want to share here, as this is a "family" blog.
Unless otherwise noted, what I write is pretty much verbatim.
Concluding a brief discussion about diabetes and the imminent dangers that loom in both our genetic heritage:
BD: Kin, I don't want to get fat...
Wifey: You eat like at HORSE.
BD: I know that. Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Wifey (AKA Kin, AKA me) now answers only to pugnacious Capt'n O.
What would I do with out your blog and hilarious wit? (sp?) You keep me laughing and that is good for me!
Oh- by the way- I love Doris Day- (not that that has anything to really do with this post)!
Lacy, Doris Day has everything to do with this post..1) because I love her too, and 2) because Pillow Talk is one of my very favorite classic movies! A must see, if you are into that.
i've never seen pillow talk-but i can't imagine that it's better than your pillow talk stories...very funny. thanks for sharing.
Hi Gina,
How is that book? I have been thinking about reading it. I will admit the size is a bit intimidating.
Lisa, it's really good! It's super long of course, but I have loved every page so far.
That is too funny! Paul and I have similar pillow (any time of the day) talk. He's always pulling up m-w's online dictionary. Our on going battle is the meaning of the following words:
few and several
Ofcourse, I am the right one!
Pugnacious Capt'n O, you are hilarious. We would appreciate it if BD would make up a real word that means something looks like a pug. We've found numerous occasions to use such a word.
I seriously love your blog. I laugh almost every time I read it!
G, I read this last night/early this morning and I couldn't stop laughing! I could picture BD making the squished up face (and I actually caught myself trying to do it too!) I love the 'pillow talk' conversations! We've had MANY at our house....laughter, crying, back to laughing again! It seems as if once they get going they really are hard to end! Don't you think? You're the best!
So in answer to Andy and Alex's question, the word that properly describes a pug's face is "puglious", thank you very much ;-)
You guys are so funny!
I'll have to see Pillow Talk. I don't think I have yet.
This was sooo hilarious. My husband is an infamous maker uper of stuff. I am always laying in bed wondering if he is right or wrong...
What a cute and super sweet post! You and your lovey must have a terrific relationship. Glad you captured this one for posterity!They will be too.
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