Each of these events deserves a dedicated post all it's own. But at this point, I realize that won't happen and this will have to do as my best effort to capture our summer thus far.
Playing at Youth Conference in Moab where we rafted the Colorado River, hiked to Delicate Arch, picked up trash along the LaSal Loop Road, and made complete fools of ourselves in front of...teenagers. What a strange world it is to be on the "leader" side of these events.
"Who is in charge here anyway?"
Camping with these delightful ladies at a little thing we like to call Girls Camp, which is somewhat of a
rite of passage in our culture. Even after 4 straight days with us at Youth Conference these girls proved to be hard core campers-in the rain-and make my "job" a total breeze. We mod podged, we hot glued, we beaded, we painted, and we crafted the craft out of that camp. This picture is of us celebrating that we have successfully pitched our tent. A small victory.
Biking my buns off for the MS Bike 100 in Logan, UT. Heaps of thanks to all those who donated to the ride. In the end, I completed my first century (100 miles) and lived to blog about it. Yes, it was hard. Especially the last 20 miles, which worked. me. over. But it was totally worth every pedal stroke and I'm so glad I finished. The
rest of the team did pretty amazing as well. Go Team Iron Myelin! My family came up to see us finish and we spent a lovely evening at my Aunt Polly's house where I ate a guilt free piece of mom's strawberry-rhubarb pie. And a piece of chocolate cake.
Road Trippin' with my man over the 4th of July weekend to Phoenix to visit best friends. It was hot hot fun! 7 summers ago I slept on the floor of the Heathrow airport with this girl. Then I caught her wedding bouquet and married her cousin. And our adventures together keep on keepin' on. We spent the long weekend chatting, swimming, shopping and exchanged smoothie recipes for skin care tips. We miss them and their little dude here in the Beehive State but it was fun to see their Grad School life budding in The Valley.
Winning the
Superfantastic Blog Giveaway from my girl
Mindi! Obviously, this was pretty much the highlight of my entire summer. And you can see why. Free iTunes is powerful enough to solve all of the problems in the Middle East. Pretty sure. Or at the very least, solve a rough day for me. Thanks Mindi!
Devouring the
Coconut Cream Biscuits I picked up yesterday at a San Pedro market. These little buggers are totally amazing as evidenced by me nearly eating the entire package while composing this post. Should have stocked up on those for sure.
There. Done. Belize is NEXT!