Oh, how we love having this little sugar bee in our home! We had our first check-up today at 4 days old and we (she) passed with flying colors even though Mommy and Daddy were late (opps!). She had gained 2 ounces back, which made us all jump for joy. She has finally flushed all the meconium from her belly and her bilirubin levels are staying low and even though she's not real hungry yet she's thriving in every other way. Momma and Phoebe are making lots of progress on nursing and she is being incredibly patient with her clueless parents as we figure out her needs. We stare at her for hours, wondering how we ever lived without her to begin with. Daddy is smitten beyond his wildest dreams. Momma is pretty sure she's the most beautiful thing in the world. We think everything she does is down-right amazing. She yawns and we gasp with excitement. And she does this cute little thing with her lips that we melt over every single time. Grandma was pretty sure we took at least 75 pictures of her first sponge bath. We love our new little family. We love
her so completely.
*Also at the Dr.'s office, she was upgraded to 20.5 inches! Mommy and Daddy could simply not believe that she was only 18 inches long, and we were right.
Inspiration for recording growth from You Are My Fave, who is a fave of mine :).
oooh this picture melts my heart!!!
aaahh, she's getting so big already! 20.5 inches sounds more right with BD's genes. Only people like me and marriott have 18 inchers (ny boo).
So glad you three are adjusting & "thriving". Oh my gosh she's cute!
Cool! I love the bright picture, the crib sheet, the growth idea. Such a fun post.
L:O:V:E everything about that little sugar bee. The blueprint idea is perfect and adorable!!
She is so darling! Congratulations!
Where did you get that perfect little white outfit? I have been looking for something like that for years.
I need to squeeze this baby. These pictures are killin me. She is the sweetest ever! Wish I could hear you two ohhh and awww over everything she does!
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