Brownie Points
I happened to be married to a self-proclaimed Brownie Aficionado. Seriously, for a guy who couldn't find a cake pan in the kitchen if his life depended on it...he sure knows his brownies. It's pretty much guaranteed that BD is on the hunt for some homemade brownies about twice a week to satisfy a mysterious sweet tooth he claims doesn't exist. Riiiight. His cousin brought some brownies to a recent family gathering and well, they literally blew BD away. He asked about them for weeks. When I realized the pleading wasn't going to stop, I asked for the recipe. And I've been scoring brownie points (har har) with BD ever since. Thanks Bine!
You'll need:
1 box of your favorite brownie mix-enough to make a 9x13 inch baking dish
3 large Symphony Toffee bars

Bake brownies as directed. For this batch, I kept mine in the oven for about 5 minutes longer until the edges were nice and crispy just to be sure the middle was cooked enough. But that might be my antique oven talking. Let them cool down completely, and then some more. You want to give them ample time to cool so the chocolate layer inside can semi-firm up again, otherwise you will have a huge gooey mess when you cut into them. Not that that's such a bad thing.
And...try not to attack your computer right now because of this close-up picture. But really, I wouldn't blame you, not even a little bit. Talk about being tranquilized...

mmmmmm, brownies (in my best Homer voice)
So good! I love that apron too.
Thanks! I should mention thats it's from the one-and-only Rachel.
How cruel people can be while I am trying to lose the baby weight...;)
You evil evil woman.
Love your blog, BTW.
Those look divine! How does the caloric intake compare to Lauren's Grocery Store Cake?
ummm....YUMMY! Those look incredible! A definate must try!
Can't wait to try them!
Those are SOOOOO yummy! I had to remind Greg to save me one before he snarffed them all down in a matter of minutes! Thanks again!!!
Those look so yummy! Thanks for sharing such a great recipe, and easy too!
i just wrote that down so i can run to the store to get the ingredients. nothing better than chocolate!
Those look so good, Jeff is going to love me, his favorite dessert is brownies and his favorite candy is a symphony, I'll surprise him!
I'm going to buy the ingredients now! Thanks for the recipe!
YUMMM! Has Brook tried this? She is a great cook, but her Brownies NEVER turn out for some reason! She'll be the first to admit it! Look at you Gina...miss Martha! I still think you are 12! Where has the time gone?
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