Photographing family (more so BD, but hey, I was there too), you know that last minute oh yeah, what about Christmas cards this year? kind of stuff.Showering with Mentha Body Wash. It's the perfect pick me up for those slooooooow starting winter mornings.
Reading Something Borrowed and Something Blue by Emily Giffin.
Visiting Temple Square to see the lights with a group of red-nosed and giggling gals and guys.
Gifting V Chocolates Toffee. This is not your grandma's toffee. It's better. It's local. And I like it.
Listening to This Warm December. It's a mosey on over here and snuggle with me Holiday album that's not too Holiday if you know what I mean.
Using and abusing Scotch double stick tape. BD may have duct tape, but I have this. I LOVE to wrap.
Admiring my new songbird ornaments, they have me twitterpated every time I walk by. Set of 3 currently 50% off at the Sundance Outlet.
You Tubin' the doghouse commercial. My sister sent me this link and it really cracks me up.