Bee revolted against her photo shoot this month and would absolutely positively not lay down for even a second. Such is the life of this active busy Bee! She is always on the go, this one, exploring and discovering the nooks and crannies of our little house. Bee has started giving kisses more freely now and will sometimes surprise you with a big open mouth kiss out of the blue. She is perfecting the clap and the wave, but sometimes it's just funner to lump them both together. A little shy in public, she will usually not wave on command, but will frantically flap her arms as soon as we are safely in the car, saying goodbye over and over to the entire grocery store all the way home. She has discovered music and will bop and bounce when she hears a good tune. It sends us into giggles every time! Bee and momma like to have dance parties in the kitchen every morning to get into our daily grove. We love to chase one another around the couch and she's so smart at anticipating where we will pop out of next. She adores hiding games and the simplest form of peek-a-boo will always bring a smile to her face. Clothing and diaper changes are full-body work outs these days and sometimes it's necessary to take a 5 minute intermission to catch our breath. Often it takes both mom and dad to get the job done! She loves to pull her books off the shelf and bang on her drums and push her walker around and find hazardous things to put in her mouth. Just a busy little body all the day long. She is so much fun right now! But boy oh boy, she sure does wear her momma out ;).
9 Month Stats:
17 lbs 15 oz (25%)
28.5 inches tall (75%)
That picture is adorable! She makes me miss that she!!
Look at her big-independent-girl self having a mind of her own!! Love her!!
My first thought when I saw the picture was "I wonder if she wouldn't lay down for the pic?" Then I read and confirmed my thought. ;) Love it!
My first thought when I saw the picture was "I wonder if she wouldn't lay down for the pic?" Then I read and confirmed my thought. ;) Love it!
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