Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Evening Art

BD and I are continually amazed at how cool the people in our neighborhood are. Tonight we had the opportunity to hear one of them speak about art. Marilyn Lindsey served as docent for the Smithsonian for 10 years, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC for 10 years. In other words, she really knows her stuff. I wish I could talk about art that way, to recite dates and periods, artists and techniques as if it were second nature. I wish I could spend more time exploring museums discovering how others have perceived the world around them. BD and I were at the National Gallery of Art earlier this year and tonight BD was so excited to hear Marilyn talk about paintings that he had experienced in real life. I'm grateful that BD has allowed me to share this part of my life with him. It's fun to see him so excited about something I love too.Marilyn shared the following quote my John Adams that we found especially poignant:

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.


Two Wheeler said...

It was so great to hear her input on the pieces we looked at. Especially cool was her talking about the Genevre!

C*K*J said...

I am so bummed that we missed this! I heard it was incredible! Thanks for sharing!