New Years Day & Marriage Therapy
We spent the majority of New Years recovering ourselves and our house from the party the night before. Eventually we felt put back together enough to continue the celebrations yet another night. Our recent mid-western transplants treated us with authentic Chicago Dogs and Italian Beef sandwiches. Oh. My. Sometimes there is nothing in the world like a real Chicago Dog. And this is coming from a girl who has spent way more time avoiding hot dogs than ingesting them. out...Wii bowling and boxing were a huge hit that night. Get this, I totally punched BD's lights out. In front of my mom. While laughing about it. I'm not one for video games but that Wii thingie is some fantastic marriage therapy minus the pretentious leather couch. Our relationship is now ready for whatever 2009 swings at us. Bring it.
Great Chicago food Kyle, thanks! (and Brook too)
I'm not ashamed to admit that I LOVE a good dog every now and then...especially a real Chicago dog! YUM!
Marriage therapy that all couples should be able to experience! looks like great fun!
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