Bragging about my goat. You heard me. I took this picture a few years ago while hiking Timp and it was published in "60 Hikes Within 60 Miles." Kind of cool, I guess. But then again, I've given up cool so I really wouldn't know.Walking about SLC with good friends taking pictures, sharing interests, eating out, catching up. I love the city, but I love it more when our friends breech the UC border and hang with us in OUR hood. Thanks Jess-for the pic.
Neglecting the blog world these days because I've been fully consumed with work, church, and all that other stuff that fills up my 24/7. The 1000+ unread blog posts in Reader can back me up on this.
Regardless, I'm still...
Voting for the 2009 bloggies. Go vote, or better yet snag a list of new and interesting blogs to read, that is, if you can handle any more.Recommending Slumdog Millionaire. Quite possibly my new favorite movie of all time. Incredible. Must see.
Reading nothing...yet! 'Tis my turn to choose the February read for book club. Any great ideas?? Taking suggestions.
Enjoying more sunny winter days snowshoeing with the Young Women. Really do love hangin' with these girls.
Satisfying that evil sweet tooth with Breyers natural peach ice cream. Tastes like late summer, and in the dead of winter that's saying a lot.
Drinking Apple Beer when H2O just doesn't cut it. Have given up HFCS for all natural beverages. Now, if I even have an ounce of caffeine I'm up all night.
Dedicating this song to BD. Because it's true, and I really mean it.
For those that have seen Slumdog Millionaire, that picture you used is so, um, odoriferous.
Love the song babe.
I need to see that movie.
How fun to just enjoy photography in the city with some friends.
Great Stuff! I LOVE Breyers peach ice cream... It's a definite fav.
Love the post. I was wondering when you were going to post!! Goat picture is definitely super "cool", walking around the city with friends sounds so nostalgic, movie was incredible and I am all about apple beer!!!
The goat picture is totally cool!
The walk about, radical!
Neglecting your blog... not so cool!=)
Voting, will try to, but seeing as how I am also neglecting the blogging world, not sure I will.
Can't wait to see the movie!
No time for reading. It stresses me out not to be able to just sit down and read like I would like too.
Don't like fruit chunks in things.
Apple beer rocks!
Love these sort of posts... I may just have to try one.
I second you on the apple beer. :)
I'm a lurker - I work with your mom. :)
"The Glass Castle: A Memoir" by Jeanette Wall is excellent. I read it because my daughter's book club was reading it. It's seriously one the best books I've ever read. And I read TONS.
Yes! I am so glad you listen to Ray Lamontagne. He makes great music. Hope you both are doing well.
Laura, that's a really good idea for a book. Unfortunately a couple people have already read it! I'll have to put it on my personal list.
I love reading these posts so I know what I should like and not know because you are so hip.
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