Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

Once again, Jailson, Jacira, and their family were amazingly nice to us and invited us over to their house for Christmas Eve. They made up a great Christmas feast complete with turkey, potato salad, cake, and a few things I don't know how to describe. Gina was a good sport and tried everything that was new to her. I only had to sneak one thing off her plate that she couldn't finish. In their apartment tucked into the corner of the Cabula neighborhood, we felt the Christmas spirit as we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. Jailson gave a wonderful speech and bore his testimony of our Savior to his family before we started dinner. They also have Jacira's mother living with them who is 94 years old. You can see her in this picture with Gina, and little Francisco with his mom Carla. Grandma really loved Gina and sat holding her hand for much of the night talking to her about babies. Francisco is Jailson and Jacira's first and only grandchild and they affectionately refer to him as o gordinho which directly translated means the little fat one. (Brazilians are very direct in how they refer to people.) 

Speaking of o gordinho, we have never seen a child so happy to get a single present from his grandparents. He immediately opened this box of Legos and played with them all night long until they had to leave. He's amazingly smart and knows all of his colors in English as well as numbers and animals. He speaks Portuguese... better than I do :-)

Finally, here is this wonderful, Christ-like family that doesn't hesitate to give of themselves to anyone and everyone. From the left, Jailson, Jacira, Grandma, Júnior, Carla, Fransisco, and Janaína. They will always mean so much to us. I'm so proud to know them and be associated with such wonderful members of the Church.

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