Friday, August 31, 2012

Bee's Blueprint: 3 Months

Phoebe Girl is 3 months new today. Her daddy and I think she's the cutest little bug and brings heaps of joy into our home every day, every hour. Except maybe the 6 o'clock pm hour. Bee is a charmer and loves to flash the sweetest of smiles to any friendly face. And if we're lucky she will even giggle! Bee finds new ways to talk, sing, and coo every day. She has been moved out of the bassinet in our room and into her crib in her own room. This was sad for mommy. Bee is an angel sleeper during the night. I'm afraid to even say it out loud because I don't want the Universe to notice :). We are pretty incredibly lucky! She thinks naps are for babies though and fights sleep during the day time. Bee has discovered her wonderful! marvelous! magical! hands and has started grabbing things to bring to her mouth for further investigation. It's amazing to watch her learn and discover the world around her. Oh Phoebe Girl, we love you!


C*K*J said...

And Phoebe girl... I LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Such a cutie and getting so big!!

Anonymous said...

awww i love this picture of her!!

travdean said...

So happy for you guys. She is lucky to have parents that adore her so much. She is a cutie. It is crazy how fast they grow.

{lizzythebotanist} said...

i used to think she was 100% BD, but now that she's smiling i think i see a little gina bina in there, too. she's incredibly cute. i wish you guys weren't so travelly so i could have come to meet her last weekend ;)
