More Sailing in the Whitsunday's
The following morning we hiked to the Ngaro Ancestral site to see the aboriginal drawings on the cave walls. Tom and Todd braved the slippery rocks and made it to the waterfall. But everyone else was anxious to get in the water and see some fish! We sailed up along Hook Island to our next destination, Langford Island, to do some snorkeling. We spent the next few nights anchoring along the bays of the northern tip of Hook Island where the best snorkeling was to be. February is smack-dab in the middle of Stinger Season and thus, we wore thin mesh suits that covered us head-to-toe to prevent any potential threat of deadly jellyfish stings. Totally attractive, let me tell you, but completely worth it to be sting-free!

Putting the sails up is always a daily highlight for me. I love seeing the guys out there working with the rigging, cranking on the ropes, checking the gauges, wind speeds, directions, etc. It seems to me that sailing is the perfect guy adventure. With all the gear and equipment and "figuring" involved, they really eat it up. I love to just sit back and watch it all happen. It is a beautiful thing once the sails are up, the motor is off, and we are clipping through the water using only the power of the wind. Nirvana!
Hello Baby Bump! By pregnant belly literally grew inches while in Oz. Truth be told, I had a few "pregnant moments" on the boat when the heat and humidity would get to me and I couldn't find a comfortable position to exist in. In those moments I would take big deep breaths and focus on what the baby and my body needed most. Usually it was rest, so I was conscious not to swim too much or over-do my sun exposure and I prayed for strong breezes that would keep things cool and dry. Or it was Nutella. The baby just needed Nutella. Everyday. One afternoon I stripped to practically nothing but a hand towel (grrrr-owl) and laid underneath an open hatch to let the breeze wash over me. Everyone on the boat was very kind and understanding, especially if I needed to stand up rudely during dinner and run to the back of the boat to stick my face in the wind.
It was fun to take the dinghy to shore and explore around the beaches, finding patterned sea shells and bright blooming flowers on trees I'd never seen. The Whitsunday's are designated National Park land, therefore most of the islands are remote with no services of any kind. The beaches might have a sign, a trail head, or a washed up flip-flop, but other than that they haven't been inhabited in hundreds of years if ever at all.
And finally this picture...cause I thought it was cute. We kept taking the most ridiculous pictures and couldn't quite get our faces right squinting into the sun, which was making us giggly. Funny how I tend to like those ones the best :). This guy: he gets to me.
But wait...there's still more!
I also want to go sailing but I don't know how to swim.
I am dying at how amazing this trip must have been. Ahhhh!!!
And that last picture is quite possibly my favorite ever!! Love you guys so much!!
Ok, ok, ok. I don't what I am doing wrong in life but I but I would certainly like to find myself accidentally in Australia on a yacht. I need a little for B and G style in my life. If you have any pointers, send them my way. Your trip looks amazing, Keep the pictures coming.
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