all that i heart - day 13
I heart Friends! "What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?" - George Eliot. This is the role of friendship. I've been so lucky to have the greatest friends in the world. You hear that? In the world. My closest friends I've had for over a decade, and some even since elementary school. They know me inside and out and for better or for worse, we're still friends after all this time.
I was going to send you all on a trip (for free!) down memory lane and post a bunch of pictures from High School and Jr. High, but I forgot to get those pictures from my mom's house over the weekend. Now don't get your panties in a twist, because I realize that some BFF's are missing from my wedding picture and, no, this doesn't mean that I haven't forgiven you for not being there, it just means that I don't have a picture of you. These girls have been my saving rock time and time again. And they let me kiss and slobber all over their little babies which I am eternally grateful for.
Along the yellow brick road of my life I've picked up more friends, or bosom buddies, as I refer to them. Roommates, BYU friends (or friend, because really I had just 1), work friends, Salt Lake friends, you get the point. A new friendship is better than anything because it's one more person in the world who you can share your life with.
Because let's face it, if I sent BD this link he would be like "what? is that cool or something?" And I would roll my eyes and think "ugh. you are such a boy." Which is why I need my BFF's. And if we were all together at this very moment, this is the point where I would request we all do the wave. OK, I'll start...
So, here's to you, friends of mine, (and you know who you are) I salute you. And I heart you all!
P.S. I wish I had a picture of us doing fun hilarious girl things, but I don't, so just pretend I do. Kisses.
Honey, c'mon, I wouldn't roll my eyes at you. I'd humor you! :-) But you'd want to make sure that thing was bolted steadfast into a stud or you might be in trouble...
Brad, I thought the same thing when I saw it! =)
G - you really should pick up a career in writing! Memories are the best... here's to all of them!
ok this is getting old. I keep forgetting to sign into my account... nicole's is really me!
Jess, I thought we were BFF' come I didn't know you had a secret identity?
It is not very often that this old bitch gets teared up, but you sure got me close! You are my BFF and if I had part of a necklace to give, it would undoubtedly go to you. Now I hope day 14 is all about me(wink wink). Love you and happy b-day soon!
Thanks to you I have had the BEST example of what a friend should be like! NO LIE!!! You truly are the bestest friend anyone could ask for! Love you tons!
I agree that having amazing friends is one of the best parts about life. From what I see you are an amazing friend to have:) Thanks for being our cousin-in-law AND friend.
Oh the good ol' days when we were roommates!! I miss those days. I am so lucky that I met you. What would I do with out you?
G, you truly are the best, and I'm so grateful to have a friend like you! Thanks for being the sweet person you are! LOVE YOU!
Oh I love it when I come across a friends blog & see an awful picture of myself posted! Oh well, awful or not, I feel so cool to be included in this post! You da best & I love ya to death girl!
P.S. I've totally missed out on all these "I heart" posts...what a cute idea.
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