all that i heart - day 8
I heart Cake Pedestals! Because everything looks better on a pedestal (yes, even me). I'm a lucky girl to have received a couple plates for birthday gifts and I've managed to purchase a few irresistibles myself, shocking I know. My little collection of cake pedestals began imposing on what little storage space we have I started trying to hide them into my decor. Now I've become so attached to my cake plates that my decor revolves around them. My new thing is seeking out vintage cake pedestals from antique shops and thrift stores. It's super fun to be on the hunt for something I'm sure to heart for years to come.
Leave me a comment by midnight on Sunday and you'll be entered to win this kee-ute new Easter-green Ruffle Cake Pedestal from Pottery Barn. I found this darling pedestal today and thought it was a must-have for Easter, which is just around the corner. Perfect for displaying along with your favorite Easter decor or for serving your best White Chocolate Easter Cake.

Good luck!
Way kee-ute!!! Enter me in that drawing!
I love it. I also love your drawings. Thanks for giving me something fun to look at each day.
I love cake pedestals too! What a cute way to "store" your pedestals. I love waiting for your next i heart day!! So cute!
You are so nice to be able to give away something that you love so much! It is fun to have something to be on the look out for! Love the pictures...
okay, should we swap under the table??
I have a cake pedestal you would love! I'll have to show it to you. Enter me in the contest!
okay-CUTE! and you know green is my favorite color. count me in...i don't have a single cake stand-i need to start collecting because i love them too but they are sort of a hard thing to justify (especially when i suck in the kitchen!)
Wow, now that really is so cute!! I think that might even motivate me to bake!
No, just trying to weasel my way into winning this cute thing...
So I swear I left a comment earlier and it vanished! What are the chances of me winning twice?!! I would love to come and see your house. I bet you have it decorated sssooo cute!!
Pick me, pick me!! How cute you are to always keep your blog fresh and different. I "heart" your heart theme!!
I want to enter. That cake pedestal is sooooooo cute!
The "Chocolate" book on a pedestal was "way creative"! I'd like to be in your drawing!
Lisa, Congrats!!! You won this super cute cake pedestal. I know you will christen it with something beautiful and delicious. When do you go back to Jackson? Let's meet up before then so you can take it home!
Thanks everyone for commenting! I heart you.
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